CONCEPT AND CONNECTIONS From the figure of the Minotaur to performance practice This open studio takes inspiration from the figure of the Minotaur that integrates the wild and the human of Being. The labyrinth in which he is hidden is the functional topos for the unfolding of the myth but it is also his home, the universe within which the meta processes of being manifest. From this premise I arrive at corporeality to investigate the hybrid of matter – visible and not – within a labyrinth configured by the same which here becomes the measure of the world. The relationship between the energy of matter and its state of transformation consolidates the morphology and topography of the proposed work. The immersion in the animal brushes against other animals and in this journey, the human tries to re-emerge. Thus the performance practice becomes a dynamic meditation directed by a theme evoking a presence, different from the ordinary, to go beyond the impermanence of the moving form. |

I gather some materials during the workshop “The Harmony of Laban’s Space. Inspiration and Tools of Embodiment, Improvisation and Composition” with Laura Delfini. These materials are composed in a first form for “The Myth, and Beyond”, a site-specific performance project created in collaboration with ParoleCheDanzano and the Italia Nostra association.

Resurfacing of materials that are configured as mobile elements, as identifying signs of a bodily practice relating to the photographic gesture. The occasion for this experimentation is RAW – Rome Art Week with photographer Lucrezia Testa Iannili at Diorama Gallery in Trastevere, Rome.

Foto: Lucrezia Testa Iannili
A further step is taken, as a resident artist, for VU_artist run space ephemeral residence within the project VU//VETRINA VETUS URBS_ Viterbo born from Iannili herself and Carlo Puglisi Alibrandi. The practice is hosted in the Lazio headquarters of Égreen and relates to photography through the transparency of the window, a physical and symbolic “portal” that the location provides, overlooking the main street of Viterbo.
here are some articles

Beginning of further experimentation that lands on video language with the collaboration of Julia Pietrangeli, videomaker, video artist and performer. The work, currently in the editing phase, pushes itself to investigate a surface of action divided between the body that composes the image and the image that decomposes the body.