Artistic Residency with FABIO IMPERIALE

Marginalia is a project by the artist Fabio Imperiale, curated by Sandra Sanson and promoted by Cris Contini Contemporary culminating in a solo exhibition held from 17th November to 1st December 2023 in Milan at the Luciana Matalon Foundation.
This is what Fabio writes: “Marginalia is a journey that began from my studio in Rome (…). In the middle, there is the road. The one that took me into many different houses throughout Italy, one for each region. From time to time, twenty women hosted me for a few days into their lives and told me a story, theirs. Each story became a painting (…) Twenty REGIONS, twenty WOMEN, twenty STORIES, twenty WORKS” .
Accompanying the works are precisely the words of those stories that the artist collected in the diary of this journey and which can also be listened to on Spotify, click here to listen:
Here is a fragment of my testimony of the shared experience:
“You let go
and be reborn.”
These are the verses placed on a page after the improvisation danced last 5th October during the artistic residency for the Marginalia project. I don’t tell in hindsight everything that happened – including the video and the shots – but I try to restore the sign that allowed me to revisit the reality in which I collide and am reborn. I am referring to what exists and grows in places that are not suited to polarizations: like the place between one word and another, or what is created between a sunken belly and a volumetric back. It is precisely in that type of region that I try to pass because there is something that interests me. (…) The centrality of Fabio’s work is my presence in the research: the body, in his specific case that of a woman. So here it is, the space to cross which expands with the awareness of our existence and which, nourished by sharing, is no longer the same. This is one of the possibilities that art is able to create, not to define but to broaden, this is the harvest of our residence (…)”
To read the entire text and watch a video click on:

The one with Fabio was the last of the residencies he carried out, relating to the Calabria region, my homeland. Of my story he writes:
“(…) the performance she reserved for me in my studio, surrounded by my works, on a sunny morning in early October, seemed to me the symbol of a natural meeting of similar energies. A celebratory act that has the scent of a gift. And that I wanted to return by taking from that very moment, the instant to extend towards infinite through painting, like her hands vibrating with tension look for space beyond themselves. And so yes, it really makes sense this long journey ends like this, with a dance that looks like a return. With a body that vibrates and lives, that changes when still, a body that listens, that invades the silence without making any noise, that, stripped of everything, shouts, shakes, rejoices. and finally, with an imperceptible movement, it slows down, sighs, calms down, and finally rests as does someone who has experienced a long journey within herself.”
To read the entire text click on: